We adopted this “pre-owned” cat that when she came to us, already did lots of tricks. One trick was pressing buttons and turning the volume knobs on sound system speakers. Unfortunately, she could also turn the knobs on the stove. Large dogs can accidentally press a stove knob when excitedly jumping up to greet you while cooking. If you need to child-proof or pet-proof your home, the stove is frequently overlooked, but you can be protected with Stove Stoppaz Universal Kitchen Stove Knob Locks.
Ever brush against the knobs of your stove by accident? Many stoves have knobs in awkward places, about waist-high, and it is easy to accidentally brush up against them and unknowingly turn on the stove. Kids and pets can also accidentally turn on the stove.
Stove Stoppaz comes five to a pack in red or black
The inventors of Stove Stoppaz got the idea of a stove knob lock after one of the family dogs pulled down a towel hanging off the oven hand rail and in the process, accidentally turned on two of the burners on their gas stove. When the owners returned home, the house reeked of gas! What could have been a disaster turned into an invention: Stove Stoppaz. Can you see your pet doing something similar in your home while you are away or even asleep? Then Stove Stoppaz can help.
The Stove Stoppaz Stove Knob Lock comes in a pack of five locks that easily slip over the stove knob to prevent the ability to turn the knob without removing the lock. While it is simple to manually remove, it does require deliberate removal. But the Knob Lock will not slip off or be knocked off accidentally by a child or pet.
Stove Stoppaz are sturdy and fit snugly to keep knobs from moving
Stove Stoppaz comes in red or black. They compliment the look of stainless steel, glass and black hardware found on most stoves and blend into the general aesthetic. They are a hard, thick plastic that will not easily break or melt.
Stove Stoppaz are a sturdy, thick plastic that fit snugly behind a press in stove knob
Stove Stoppaz work on both gas and electric stoves. They were designed with countless stove knobs in mind, ranging from stoves found in larger kitchens to smaller galley kitchen and studio apartment size kitchen stoves.
Will Stove Stoppaz work for your stove? Any stove knob that you must “push to turn” the burner control knobs to turn on the stove, Stove Stoppaz will fit. Any knob that has clearance space between the knob and the stove surface can fit a Stove Stoppaz.
Stove Stoppaz work on older and new stove knobs as long as there is some space between the knob and the range
Installation is simple! The instructions and pictures on the back of the package are this:
How to use Stove Stoppaz
Instructions: Simply place one Stove Stoppaz behind your burner control knob to block the ability to push and turn. Shown above in figures 1 & 2.
We found that the Stove Stoppaz also works with some other kitchen appliance triangle or “pinched” knobs that require being pushed and turned including many double-burner or portable electric ranges.
Both pets and humans can easily turn on the stove by accident. Stove Stoppaz can prevent these accidents with simple to use, sturdy locks that are easy to remove. These are superior to knob caps because they fit almost all residential style stoves. Stove Stoppaz is a cost-efficient investment in keeping your home safe for your family and pets. A practical gift for someone’s first apartment or home, for a new parent or new pet owner.
Find Stove Stoppaz in red or black at Amazon
This would be great for safe-proofing for my fur-kids
very interesting
where to buy in europe?